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Regulation & Guideline

1. Rules and Regulation [download]

2. Entry Requirements [download]

3.  Thesis Writing Guide

4.  Thesis Writing Appendices (Effective from April 2023)     

 5Plagiarism [download]

6.  Research Program Implementation Guide

7.  Garis Panduan Pelaksanaan Penyeliaan Bersama (Joint Supervision), Dwi Ijazah (Double Degree), Dual Ijazah (Dual Degree) Dan Ijazah Bersama (Joint Degree) Bagi Program Akademik di Peringkat Pascasiswazah Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia

8.   Thesis By Publications / Penulisan Tesis Secara Penerbitan

9.  Industrial Based Thesis Writing

  • English [download]
  • Bahasa Melayu [download]
  • Garis Panduan Penulisan Tesis Secara Industri [download]

10.  Guidelines Roles of Supervisor and Student for VIVA-VOCE Examination

11. Guideline for the Extension of Thesis Amandment Duration (new)


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