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To thrive as a referral centre in postgraduate academic management
Untuk menjadi sumber rujukan yang baik bagi pengurusan akademik pascasiswazah


To administer and provide an efficient, responsive and quality academic services through a conducive learning environment for postgraduate students.
Untuk mengurus dan menyediakan perkhidmatan akademik yang efisien, responsif dan berkualiti melalui persekitaran pembelajaran kondusif bagi pelajar pascasiswazah.

Objective Quality

  1. Centre for Graduate Studies is committed to ensure that the total postgraduate enrollment reached a minimum of 90% out of the targeted number of enrollment. 

  2. Centre for Graduate Studies is committed to ensure a 10% increment from the previous year's enrollment. 

  3. Centre for Graduate Studies is committed to ensure that international students enrollment reached a minimum of 6% out of the current total postgraduate enrollment.