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Prof. Dr. Mohamad Zaky bin Noh
Centre for Graduate Studies

Welcome to Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia

UTHM would like to extend our warmest welcome to new graduate students to our Centre for Graduate Studies where your journey in the quest for higher knowledge and skills shall now begin. As mature students, you will be expected to perform the duties of a responsible scholar under the tutelage of the University’s well-trained academic staffs and also the assistance of our supporting staffs. While we strive to provide you with the best supervision, guidance and support, you need to engage yourself in the academic pursuit with rigour, passion and determination, for success is only reaped by those who diligently ow their seeds and nurture their work.

  A qualified graduate should be able to demonstrate mastery of knowledge, synthesize and contribute to the existing body of knowledge. Practical skills gained in your study should be applied in your respective fields with creativity and innovation. Awareness of societal needs in formulating effective solutions to problems in various disciplines and attaining leadership skills are within the expectations of a UTHM master’s or PhD holder. The scholar’s spirit should never leave the student upon graduation, driving him or her to acquire knowledge with a lifelong learning approach, even when they are no longer under the watchful eyes of a supervisor.

  UTHM is an honourable institution of higher learning providing technical, social, management and fundamental scientific knowledge, skills and knowhow training to groom worthy scholars into future leaders. Our graduates shall be competent in not only their respective areas of expertise alone, but always carrying themselves with a  keen conscience for the welfare of society at large, irreproachable in conduall not neglect the enhancement of your sense of duty and humanity, to make you a laudable scholar and more importantly, a humble human being.

 This is what we envisage in our graduates: for you to realize your dreams of donning a graduation robe and mortar   board, and being conferred the hard earned graduation scroll with the best we can provide for you. In the quaint   and delightful setting of the traditional village-town of Parit Raja (aptly translates as ‘Royal Canal’), far from the   bustling crowd and din of a city, yet does not lack any amenities and facilities required by a student, UTHM serves   as a most conducive learning institution. You have chosen well indeed!

  Lastly, I hope you will have an enjoyable and enlightening journey with your graduate study with us. As Confucius   rightly said, “The journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step.” So let the journey begin… Good luck, and   all the best.

