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Information for Current Postgraduate Student of UTHM

Academic Schedules


Download Forms ..............................................................................

Research Programme

Coursework & Mixed Mode

E-VIVA / E-Nomination Manuals

Existing Students

Student Affairs

ELKP Report Template


Regulation And Guidelines

Discount Alumni

Am I eligible for the discount?

>> The discount on the education fees is automatically eligible to all UTHM alumni enrolled in our Premier Postgraduate Programmes*
*One-off discount of 50% until Semester II 2025/2026"

Will any postgraduate programmes be excluded from the discounted fees?

>> It is intended that the discounted education fees will be available ONLY for our Premier Postgraduate Programmes. Student(s) who enrolled with our continuous learning programmes are not eligible for the discounted education fees.

Can I bring forward the discounted education fees for the following semester?

>> No! The discounted education fees for research/coursework or mixed mode programmes are only valid in the first semester only.

I have received scholarship/ other fundings form any institution(s). Can I still get the discounted education fees?

>> Yes! Any UTHM Alumni enrolling in our Premier Postgraduate Programmes until Semster II Session 2025/2026 are eligible to get the discount education fees despite them having any scholarship or other fundings.

UTHM Graduate Checklist

Graduation Process